Thursday, July 3, 2008

Final installment

This is the remainder of what I have composed of Samuels Journal ... clearly it is unfinished. However check back ... by posting this blog I have become inspired to continue my writing and I truly would like to finish what I have started here...

Samuel J. Rawl

9 December 2104

Today, despite the appointment of Ms. Bush as Science Division Director, we have begun the next phase of our research. Our first viable embryos have been implanted. Some implanted in synthetic eggs and some in cats. Gestational period is unknown at this time. Hope is tenuous.

So far, Ms Bush has remained aloof from our studies and has not offered any interference. Hope is tenuous on this front as well…

Samuel J. Rawl

10 February 2105

These past weeks have been the most disastrous and disappointing on all fronts! Ms. Bush toured our facilities two weeks ago. In tow was her usual brigade of ladder climbing leeches. They poked their noses in all manners of our research. Nothing in our facility was sacred. My wife intimated that when Ms. Bush and her entourage descended upon the infectious disease research facility, they declined a tour of the infectious disease containment unit. My wife and her colleagues had anticipated this and all of them placed their more sensitive work in the storage area of the containment unit. Taking a cue from my wife, I made a similar suggestion to Werner, the commander of our research facility. My purpose was two-fold. I was still uneasy about Werner. I was unsure of where his loyalties truly lay. I felt that if I made such a suggestion I was placing myself out on a limb. However, I also felt that for our movement to further, a man in Werner’s position was key to our success. As a back-up, those of us deeply involved in the movement did hide our most sensitive research in an innocuous broom closet. My wife had also mentioned that Ms. Bush also had difficulty noticing that which she considered inferior to her. Including a janitors broom closet. My trusted associates and I transformed one such closet into a hi-tech storage room with the aid of colleagues from the tech facilities.

As a side, note … Just as an observation of our society. We have automated so much; Jobs, tasks, processes, transportation and at times thinking, that I am amused that we still have people who provide manual labor right here in the very corridors of our scientific community.

At any rate, Ms Bush’s visit was still fraught with uncomfortable change and unreasonable directives, which resulted in one of the junior researchers breaking down in a panic attack and stressing out several of the in Vitro cats causing them to miscarry.

An ancient saying states, “Out of the darkness light will shine.” It makes no mention of the strength of the light, but a light did indeed shine this day. We lost several of our foeti, but we gained anonymity as Ms Bush deemed our project worthy but still in the drawing board stage. A reprieve on having to produce viable results in the near future, we received the gift of time.

As for Werner and my trust? I must say he gleefully acknowledged the need for hiding our work, but I still cannot fathom his purpose. That rock I will continue to chip.

Samuel J. Rawl

13 April 2105

Our first test cat gave birth today, in a manner of speaking. We have been monitoring the pregnancies via thermo graphic imagers. Therefore, it was a complete surprise when the cat went into labor. According to the imagers, the embryos were not yet viable. However, we are 55 days over normal cat gestation period and 35 for lizard. So rather, than arrest the labor and true to our scientific natures … we watched and took notes. What we could not detect on the imagers or what we misinterpreted as a placenta were in fact egg shells. The cat laid four eggs. As egg laying is not normal for a cat we did have to remove the cat. She was distressed that she was unable to remove the shell by licking and before we could stop her she broke one egg open. What a mess. Therefore, we only have 3 eggs left.

The eggs are smaller than chicken eggs, and slightly larger than snake eggs. They are somewhat tough and leathery like the reptile eggs. After about an hour however, the shells harden and have a glasslike quality. The initial brownish color deepens to rusty red. If we didn’t know what they were, we would think they were polished rocks.

AT this point, there was some discussion on how to incubate the eggs. We decided that the cat would probably not bond with the eggs and therefore did not reintroduce her to the eggs. We set up the incubation chamber to reflect a reptilian method rather than avian. Generally incubation for a reptile is anywhere from thirty to ninety days. I just found out that Werner had been experimenting with the samples and had included Platypus DNA. That incubation period is only 10 days from birth. While it is disturbing that he would do this without consulting other members of our team, it has proven to be a good move. He gave me his notes on the platypus research. As usual, Werner’s brilliance shines. He said the problems we’d had with multi-specie DNA integration cleared up with the introduction of the platypus DNA. He believes the unique nature of the platypus having both mammalian and reptilian characteristics causes its DNA to bridge the gaps in the combined DNA.

I did ask Werner why he did not discuss this with the rest of us. It is after all a very important part of our research. True to his character, he blustered a bit and then told me he wanted to test the viability before admitting to his testing. Typical Werner, he cannot appear less than the genius he is.

I still have doubts as to his loyalty or rather where his loyalty lies.

Samuel J. Rawl

3 July 2105

… Scales seemed to make the specimen more durable to the environment. More able to defend itself, even though it’s speed and reflexes were always unmatched even in its predecessor. The Catazard has been our best mutation to date.

Samuel J. Rawl

Log of the Rebellion

Earth Date 2122, November 17

It’s official. We have voted unanimously to self exile from Earth if we have any hope of surviving as humans were truly meant to do. We have over used Earth to a point where it cannot continue to sustain the population levels it now holds. Greed and self sustenance are the desired traits for survival. Love and compassion are luxuries most cannot afford. The Kingdom of Commerce has taken over the major governments in the world and now rule from one central location. Taxation has become the income for the wealthy. Jobs are scarce, as automation has replaced the majority of the work force in all fields. Tasks automation can’t do, indentured humans are used perform. The Kingdom has replaced bankrupt governments in all parts of the Earth…

1 comment:

  1. i like your story what are you going to call it.i cant wait to read the rest


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