Thursday, June 26, 2008

Here's the next installment into Samuels Journal ... but just to note ... This journal was created to help flesh out the actual story I am writing ... which happens after Samuel is gone ....

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Samuel J. Rawl

25 January 2100

On the heels of my son’s birth, more evidence of the world council’s invasion of our community, confronted me today. Several top members of our organization, including Werner (who was first), approached me to feel me out on council membership. They are subtle in their approach, asking innocuous questions to find where I stand on this issue. Feeling fortunate that I had overheard Werner’s meeting with the American, I was able to disassemble neither giving an opinion nor providing the querent with an absolute stand. I do feel however that I am on a timeline of some sort and must choose a side. It seems whether I will it or not the world governments are evolving into a single entity with focus on power and wealth. Which of the entities prevails? Time and money will tell.

Samuel J. Rawl

17 February 2100

I woke with a feeling of trepidation today. Last night as I left the lab and returned to my quarters, I had that eerie watched feeling. Funny that I should feel that way as there is constant video surveillance anywhere I go in this complex. Nevertheless, this felt different. Not the passive surveillance of the video camera’s … no it was more the feeling of predator stalking me. Ancient human self defense mechanism of feeling the hair raise on the back of their necks at a sense of danger still works in my genetically advanced human body. I could almost laugh at the thought, but the feeling made me feel like fleeing for cover. I contained myself. This morning when I reached my cubicle in the lab however, my feelings intensified. An envelope lay on my desk. I approached my desk as a wary animal sensing a trap. How spot on my self defense mechanism is! Uncanny! I picked up the envelope … An oddity in itself. Post was abolished in the mid 50’s. The advent of holographic services eliminated the need for post. It was a good move for the trees at least. Only the very wealthy could cultivate the trees needed to make paper these days. Even so, it indicated a sign of wealth. Anyhow, I digress. The envelope was unmarked. In it was a folded sheet of paper. It was an invitation to join the world council as a free member. In other words, it was a formal query asking me to take sides laced with a veiled threat that not joining the council would hinder my research, as the funds allocated for my research would dry up. Carefully avoiding making any gestures, as I was now sure I “they” watched me I made my decision. Backed into a corner, the only way out was to go along. Later I would have to create my opportunity for escape. I was also certain that I was not alone in my thoughts.

I will need to devise away of finding others of like mind. As it is, I am currently sitting under a tree in the courtyard writing this, hoping against hope that a camera is not watching me write.

Samuel J. Rawl

4 August 2104

I cannot believe it has been four years since I was able to last log an entry here! My last entry was full of fear. Of that, I was correct. Only recently have I encountered evidence that the world council relies more heavily on that fear than their actual ability to follow through on their threats. I have come to learn that what they present on the surface is a very polished organized veneer, which covers the true chaos that threatens every level of their structure. It really is no wonder when you realize how many self serving leaders they have. If they had any shred of desire to protect their organization as a whole to protect all the members, then truly they would be a terrifying force. Having written this, I realize the true level of my contempt, but instinct tells me that underestimating them would be highly foolish. Even though incompetence, like a cancer, permeates their structure, it will only take one self serving bastard with foresight and talent to organize them and swell their ranks. To this end, I see one man with this capability. S.R. Wolf. To meet him you would think you were in the presence of a warm friendly humanitarian. An engaging warm, demeanor projects from him, charismatic, smooth, intelligent, all the traits you would hope to find in a leader. Traits you would like your son to have. Yet the few times I have been in the same room with him, I feel that natural response to danger for flight or fight. To me his warm friendly smile covers the leering mask of evil. I cannot explain my reactions logically or rationally. I believe some basic biological instinct for specie survival wells up in me in response to some basic genetic threat he poses that we as intellectual beings have ignored in place of our abilities to reason. Perhaps my research in genetic mutation and specie integration has honed my natural responses. I just know that he bears observation. Therefore, to reveal my thoughts publicly would endanger my family and me.

Samuel J. Rawl

18 August 2104

It is a blessing to be able to record my thoughts. In another age, my wife tells me I would have been a bard. Adventure and fantastic tales excited me as a boy. Perhaps she is right and my need for adventure spurs me to fight the system and record it.

To that end … in the past 4 years, I surreptitiously sought out those of like mind regarding the world council. I am not surprised at the number of my colleagues who feel they have been pushed to joining, simply to save their research. Like me, their lives, dedicated to the research of their special fields, mean nothing without the research. Each of us specializes in an aspect of preserving the earth. My specialty lies in integrating various species by mutating them and combining genetic code to create hardier and more resilient species while enhancing intelligence. In the past 4 years, despite the stress of joining the world council my team and I have made considerable progress. By early next year, we hope to have a viable fetus.

However, the council and their numerous inquiries into our research and their attempts to modify overshadow our success. So far, we have been able to sway their attempts by demonstrating the need for our research as it pertains to continued human survival. The frustration is that with every change in leadership (which tends to be numerous) comes successive program reviews. One day I fear a representative will visit and will not understand our mission.

Samuel J. Rawl

22 September 2104

Success!! My team has identified a major link in the combination of multi-specie DNA. Next week we will begin the process of combining DNA from three species and begin the orchestration of a new specie. The overall purpose of our research is to create an organism with human-like intelligence yet the defense and natural abilities of select animals. We have chosen cats for their predatory nature, speed and agility, lizards for their regenerative ability and snakes for their ability to adapt to varying temperatures and protective hide. From stem cell and other brain research of the last century, scientists made great progress towards enhancing intelligence in all species. We will incorporate that into our experiments as well. On paper, our research looks very solid indeed. The laboratory will prove us right or wrong. The entire team, suffused with excitement for the next step in our work, still senses trepidation concerning the impending leadership change in the world council. The rumors are numerous regarding the selectee to head the science division. So far, it has been a scientist. That witch Ms Bush, who recruited my friend Werner, so many years ago, now holds a position on the council that places her in contention for the science division slot.

I have made it a point to learn about her as much as I can. So far, I tremble with fear. Her name is Regina Bush. She is a direct relation to the Bushes of the late 20th and early 21st century who held power as American presidents

She is not an especially intelligent woman but canny, manipulative and extremely ambitious. Her oratory ability persuades even the most reluctant to agree with her. She knows absolutely nothing about science.

Her beliefs, founded on a principle called “pillage the earth” which began in the Earths industrial age and gathered true weight with its main proponent, Jim Cramer in the early 21st century. Cramerites, they secretly called themselves, undermined the efforts of organizations like Green Peace and Earth Save. By lobbying, first in the United States, and then in Europe, and finally China, they were able to build a solid support from the wealthy. They found willing allies in large corporations which found environmental restrictions a method of revenue blocking. They then began to draw the support of needy third world governments by packaging their dogma in shiny propaganda that turned from a pure money making scheme to a full blown movement. The Cramerites, no longer satisfied with just making money began looking for power as well. They began with small poor countries and exploited their governments, taking power and consolidating the countries. You would think, looking back that someone would have objected, but the dogma, or marketing, so polished, it swindled the average man into believing that it would be a better world for all. The Kingdom of Commerce mutated from such cancerous beliefs. Ms Bush has grown up a product of those who pushed these beliefs. It is not surprising that she has aimed for director of our division. She will be able to pillage the resource of our collective knowledge and plunder it for her gain. She will rise in power with in the Kingdoms ranks at the expense of our years of hard work.

That is our fear.

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