Friday, May 6, 2016

Annnndddd Two Years later another post...

Wow! Just Wow!
 I guess keeping my blog up to date is not a forté with me. I do find that it is easier for me to update here if I am writing or working on a novel. Hmmm there must be a natural correlation!

At any rate, I am working on a novel. I find that each successive (and currently still unpublished) novel demonstrates to myself the progress that I have made in the actual craft and skill of writing. Not very evident in my blog writing to be sure, but I find that my novels tend to be tighter and better written as I go along. Therefore, I am content ... for now. My future plan remains the same. Retire from my day job and be a full time writer.

I considered explaining myself here, but the words of a very wise women (my mother) were, "San, you never have to explain yourself. Just be yourself." Ok those aren't her exact words, but they are just a small sample of the wisdom that my mother has shared with me.

As for retiring and completing a novel ... I know this can be done. I just listened to my Dad over the phone tell me that he has finally completed his first novel. (Dad's a retired school teacher). His draft is on it's way to me via USPS. I can't wait. I've heard bits of the story over the last few years. Now I get to read the entire thing from top to bottom! Well done Dad!

Ok well this little blogging break is over. Like I mentioned I am working on a novel and am anxious to get back to it.

A bit of a hint ... If you still believe in Santa Claus this story may interest you ... however, it's not light and fluffy, but more gritty and real. The story of St. Nicholas really wasn't all about reindeer, elves and a jolly fat man. I decided to dive in with creative license and just see "what if Santa" ...

If nothing else I really have learned a great deal about 3rd century monasticism, volcanos, relics, sailors, and castrati. Who knew? St. Nick is more fascinating than I ever thought possible, but then he is legendary and a saint ... extraordinary should follow!

Hopefully, this makes you curious ... and hopefully I can keep the writing steam flowing! Wish me luck!

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